Sunday, August 21, 2011

Episode 80 - Cop And A Half

Did I say mid-July? Oh well. We seem to love to take breaks, that or we were too lazy to do a little bit of work for the sake of the podcast. Now that we are at 80, it means we have to go through our past episodes and go over all the errors we have made. A few dead dogs later, we ended up talking about the Fall season of anime. We bring over Jammer from the AniManga Podcast and Funkatron from...the Ass Backwards Anime Podcast.

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(0:00 - 8:59) Intro I love how I didn’t cut that chair discussion. Honestly, I forgot I left it in there until I was writing the notes for this episode. (9:00 - 34:30) Discussion (Errors) Listeners, email us errors on our future episodes. Don’t let 90 die. Prove Foxy wrong....or right. (34:31 - 35:31) Earcatch The AniManga Podcast You should sent me this a while back. (35:32 - 42:55) Discussion (More Errors) No animals were harmed in the making of this podcast. (42:56 - 43:57) Earcatch The Dennis Daniel Show They put chocolate in my peanut butter. (43:58 - 1:11:52) Discussion (No, More Errors) Thanks for the errors Peterson. Make sure to follow @HxHPodcast on Twitter for more information on the Hunter x Hunter Podcast. (1:11:53 - 2:31:25) Discussion (Fall Season Anime Preview) Here is the list that got updated the day after we recorded this episode so now the order we read them is now all over the place. (2:31:26 - 2:33:17) Closing The Ass Backwards Anime Podcast will return with magic. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact us via email at: Check us out on YouTube, Facebook and on Steam.
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