Sunday, February 10, 2013

Episode 96 - Smarten Up

New episode is not about anime. We are back on that video game train. There was a bunch of games that came out on 2012 and we want to talk about them. If you are wondering why there is no SSAG number attached to this, don't worry. We will eventually have the gaming spin-off properly relaunched.

Click here to download episode (Right-click and Save As)

(0:00 - 15:40) Intro

If you are wondering what we used as far as a list, we just used wiki. The Devil May Cry episode will end up happening in the future. Until then, if you want to have see us take more about video games, be sure to follow my Twitch channel. I will be broadcasting (hopefully) every Wednesday around 8 PM Eastern. This will be the new home of SSAG for a little while so expect the same silly stuff from us.

(15:40 - 48:58) Discussion (Q1 2012)

Kind of glad everything broke by the time we were done with this quarter.

(48:59 - 51:12) Earcatch

The Unofficial Hunter x Hunter Podcast I was on there recently. I have theme music now.

One Piece At A Time Hi, Mickey.

(51:12 - 1:16:39) Discussion (Q2 2012)

Here's a trailer for Spec Ops: The Line.

(1:16:40 - 2:18:08) Discussion (Q3 2012)

Here is Tiny Tina.

I have one question for you.

(2:18:08 - 4:16:54) Discussion (Q4 2012)

If you have not seen it, you should check out The Far Cry Experience aka Vaas meets McLovin.

(4:16:55 - 4:20:00) Closing

Protip: Go into the water.

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Anonymous said...

Hey guys, it's your beloved Richie McBeefy. I just played 80 hours Devil May Cry, but I'm totally not a nerd. I'm just a sick, mentally retarded motherfucker, who has no sense of self-awareness. This quote describes my life prettymuch: "Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another."

RB said...

You can actually just say what bothers you and give specific examples. Yknow, get a conversation started rather than spouting off anonymously on the internet and looking like a weird, crazy, racist person?

Or I could just keep mocking you which is a gift unto itself.

Anonymous said...

You want to mock me? That's almost like a monkey throwing crap at me. Ohh wait it's exactly what you are. Go back in your zoo and let the zookeeper rape you. Thx.

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